Online Courses

Our oldest son has taken some courses online over the past few years and it has been a great benefit to him–and to me. Latin By his third year of Latin study, I could no longer keep up with him. It had gotten to the point that I would check his work with the teacher […]

Teaching Kids About Money

Times are tough right now for a lot of people. My first grader recently asked me about the state of our economy. He remembers studying the Great Depression last year, and he was worried! This is a perfect time to talk to our kids about money. Kids and Tithing When a child is old enough […]

Teaching Children about Other Religions

When and how much to teach about other religions is a sensitive subject. Each parent will need to make their own decision, taking into account the age of their children and the child’s own spiritual maturity. We live in a culture that is bombarding us–and our children–with the lie that every belief is equally valid, […]

Tweaking the Schedule

Well, it is time to tweak the schedule! We have almost finished our first 9 weeks of school. Enough time has passed to make it abundantly clear where the weaknesses are, and what needs to change. The biggest problem is, as always, unrealistic expectations about how long it will take to transition from one activity […]


I love synergy. The American Heritage dictionary defines synergy as, “the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.” Charlotte Mason had another term for synergy. She called it The Science of Relations. She wrote, “Education is the ‘Science of Relations’; […]

Ideas for Schoolrooms

When we started homeschooling, we did all our work at the kitchen table. This became impractical rather quickly, especially as younger children grew and I had more kids doing school. At that time, we didn’t have much space for a dedicated school room, but we got around the problem by putting two children in one […]

The best laid plans…

I had this school year all planned out. I knew exactly how it would all unfold. Or so I thought. I did not anticipate that one of my children would spend four days in the hospital our 3rd week of school! Nor did I imagine that all my other children and I would be diagnosed […]

Scheduling Our Days: Part Two

I am frequently asked for specifics as to how I schedule my children’s school days. I wish you could read my color-coded schedule! I’ll try to explain what I am doing with my children as best as I can. Be forewarned: this is a loooooong post, full of potentially nauseating detail. It is written lovingly, […]

End of the Year Evaluations

I write a detailed evaluation for each of my children at the end of every school year. This is a requirement in my state of Georgia, but I don’t mind it. It is very helpful to look back over the year, taking stock of successes as well as areas to work on in the future.  […]

Frequently Asked Tapestry of Grace Questions: A Typical Week

Continuing the series on Frequently Asked Questions, this post is about a typical week with Tapestry. Once again, if you read the material at the bottom of the blog, or if you aren’t interested in TOG, just disregard 🙂 What does a week look like for your Grammar level children? Tapestry covers History, Geography, Literature, […]