Great books on sale!

Behemoth is offering another free audio book for a few more days. For years I’ve wanted the book Ten Peas in a Pod, and thanks to Behemoth, we’ve finally got it! Click on over and download this free audio book while there is still time.

Some of our favorite books and resources are on sale this week!
Books and Audio for Mom

Some of my top reads for the year are on sale. One of my favorites for this year is
To Have and to Hold
. I wrote a review of this book in my Library Builders post on Hero Stories. If you like historical fiction, I highly recommend this title set during the early days of our nation.

Mother is another book I enjoyed last year. This simple book tells the story of a girl who despised the thought of becoming just a mother. She goes off to make her way in the world, but through a series of providential events the Lord causes her to see the true beauty she had always overlooked in her own mother. Her plans for the future change, as well.

Beloved Bride tells the love story of Stonewall Jackson and his wife through their beautiful letters, written while he was away serving his country. This encouraging book gave me a different perspective on Jackson.

If you haven’t read Passionate Housewives, Desperate for God, I highly recommend it. This book is a breath of fresh air for the woman who wants to embrace her calling to serve God with zeal in her home. Every day the media and our culture bombard us with lies, telling us that a woman can only find true happiness when she lives to please herself. God calls His daughters to a different standard, and blesses them abundantly as they die to self for His glory.

Thoughts for Young Men is on my must-read list for my son as he begins the teen years soon.

The Sinking of the Titanic
is a reprint of a vintage classic, telling the true story of men who sacrificed their lives for women and children because they believed in the Christian family value of “women and children first”.

My oldest son has begun reading R. M. Ballantyne books lately. I’ve begun reading them, too! If you like G. A. Henty, these are similar in genre. Excellent writing, boy heroism, Christian worldview, adventurous plots and rich character development make these reprinted classics great reading for older boys. The Pirate City and several others are 50% off right now.

Every year at Thanksgiving we read an excerpt from
Of Plymouth Plantation
, a reprint of William Bradford’s original diary. This fascinating book details the persecutions that the pilgrims endured, what led them first to Holland and then to America, the trials and blessings of their new life and much more. I’ve read the book in its entirety myself, and look forward to my oldest son reading it next year for school when we study Jamestown.

You know how much we love feasts in this family! Incorporating elements of a historical Thanksgiving is meaningful and fun.
That’s why we use The Thanksgiving Primer
each year. This guide was prepared by the Plymouth Plantation museum staff, and includes accurate information about the First Thanksgiving: menus, prayers, music and historical anecdotes.

We’ll also be reading Stories of the Old Dominion for school next year. This book tells the story of the true heroes of America’s War for Independence, including Washington, Henry, Captain John Smith, and several others. The book was written to inspire character in the hearts of children who would one day grow up to fight their own battles.

For the whole Family

I am currently reading Missionary Patriarch: The True Story of John G Patton and it is everything a missionary biography should be. The Lord is exalted, the reader is encouraged, touched and challenged, and the story is fascinating. As soon as I’m done reading it myself I plan to re-read it with the kids. It is that good.

This year for our devotions we’ve been reading through the Bible. Often we have turned to Balancing the Sword, a two volume study tool designed to enhance time in the Word. All the questions in each volume can be answered directly from the text, and we’ve found this a helpful way to keep the kids focused during the reading. Each volume contains several questions (with answer key) for every single chapter in the Bible. There is also a CD-Rom with a customizable Bible reading plan included.
My children love to play with these Papo knights knights! There are several on sale, including this blue one with the mace and this red one on a horse. My four year old gets out a bin of plastic knights virtually every day, and my older boys like to collect and display them.

One of our favorite toys is the
Three man slingshot
. We have a big backyard, and we love to fill a bucket of water balloons and see how far they’ll fly.

During our sons’ ninth year we present them with an engraved sword, in a special family ceremony honoring them as half way grown. We purchase the swords through Vision Forum, which sells very high quality swords at reasonable prices. This English Adventurers Sword is currently on sale. These are just a few of the items on sale, and some of the prices are truly rock bottom!