Teaching Children about Other Religions

When and how much to teach about other religions is a sensitive subject. Each parent will need to make their own decision, taking into account the age of their children and the child’s own spiritual maturity. We live in a culture that is bombarding us–and our children–with the lie that every belief is equally valid, […]

Out of the mouths of babes…

My kids say the funniest things all the time. We’ve had lots of opportunities to laugh during our study of the Old Testament this summer. Today we were reading about the Israelites wandering in the desert. They were whining, bitterly crying out to the Lord for meat. He provided them with quail stacked 3 feet […]

Getting Perspective

Yesterday was a hard day. I woke up feeling tired and grouchy, and made no attempt to conceal my bad mood from the kids. I felt impatient with them, and annoyed about my normal daily tasks, such as serving breakfast and starting the laundry. I felt keenly the stress of having to juggle running a […]