Black Friday Sale

My husband and I have a lot if things in common, but our approach to Black Friday is NOT one of them. He is planning an all-nighter tonight. He’ll be hitting some stores that open at midnight for “early sales” and shop through the night until he has to get in line for the stores […]

Thank You!

The winners of the Homeschool Blog Awards were officially announced last night, and I am honored that Counter-Cultural School was among them! Thank you for voting for CC School for Best SUPER HOMESCHOOLER! I was surprised to be nominated, and I am so grateful to have won. It is my earnest desire to do everything–whether […]

Rose breasted Grosbeaks

It is migration season! We’ve all been out birding in our yard this week. The bird garden with its feeding station has drawn a lot to our yard. We’ve added some new birds to our life list. Yesterday we (K, C and I) all saw both male and female Rose breasted Grosbeaks. They spent a […]

Galapagos birds for my Lifelist

We just returned yesterday from a 9 day trip to Quito, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. We were so blessed that my husband earned this trip-of-a-lifetime as a bonus from his employer! As the photos show, it was one amazing wildlife encounter after another. Magnificent Frigatebird Colony: Juvenile on the left, male and female in […]